FU-MOKE is a semi-open purifying space. It provides a place for  smokers to smoke but still keep the air clean. 
The Problem
According to the latest information released by the WHO in May 2020, more than 8 million people die from cigarette every year. Approximately 1.2 million people die from second-hand smoke.  
Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire in November 2018. We found that 92% of people have experienced second-hand smoke,  and most people usually smell it in smoking areas or transportation waiting areas. 
The Interview
In order to gain insight into the behavior of smokers, we interviewed the owner of a cafe in Taipei.
"Windows and air conditioners, carpets and wallpaper are full of nicotine and tar oil. " She said, "In fact, air conditioners can solve this problem. It generates negative pressure and take away the smoke. "
Negative Pressure is where our brainstorming process begins.
Design Features​​​​​​​
How To Use​​​​​​​
Ning Huang 
Product rendering & Illustration production

Li Yu
3D Model

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